Norm of the North is a 2016 American computer-animated comedy-adventure film directed by Trevor Wall and written by Daniel R. Altiere, Steven M. Altiere, and Malcolm T. Goldman. The film tells the story about a polar bear named Norm who needs to save his home from Mr. Greene, a rich man who has a plan to build houses in the Arctic. To rescue his home, Norm has brought his friends, the three lemmings and Olympia Brighty, to hatch a scheme to prevent Mr. Greene from doing his plans.
The film was released on January 15, 2016, and grossed $27.4 million on an $18 million budget.
Norm is a polar bear with a heart of gold who tries to save his Arctic home along with his three lemming friends from a New York City developer.
Norm, the Polar Bear is the son of the King Of The Arctic. In his youth, he develops the ability to speak to humans, a trait shared by his Grandfather. Because of this, he is made an outcast from the other animals, only being accepted by Socrates a wise bird and Elizabeth, a female polar bear whom Norm has fallen in love with.
The story is about Norm (voice of Rob Schneider), a polar bear who can talk to humans and who would rather dance than hunt. He discovers a model housing unit in his icy, Arctic home. To save the region from any potential buyers, he sabotages a commercial shoot organized by Vera (voice of Heather Graham), the head of marketing for Greene Homes, who later starts to have doubts about the project. Norm then stows away in the house on its journey back to New York City in order to stop Mr. Greene (voice of Ken Jeong) from his plan to populate the Arctic with people.
Norm's plan is to pose as a method actor auditioning for Greene's advertising campaign to have "the Arctic sell the Arctic" (Greene instantly realizes Norm is not a man in a bear suit and then conveniently forgets about it). Greene also has captured the bear's grandfather (voice of Colm Meaney), so Norm also needs to rescue the old bear.