Alice in Wonderland is a 1951 American animated feature produced by Walt Disney and based primarily on Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland with a few additional elements from Through the Looking-Glass. Thirteenth in the Walt Disney Animated Classics series, the film was released in New York City and London on July 29, 1951 by RKO Radio Pictures.
Walt Disney found his Alice after seeing the 10-year-old Beaumont in the Esther Williams splash-a-thon On an Island With You (1948). Replacing Margaret O’Brien, the Londoner contributed her voice and modeled for the animation team.
After Alice flopped, Beaumont went on to work as an elementary school teacher in Southern California. Marc Davis, the only one of Disney’s Nine Old Men who happened to graduate from Klamath Union High School in Southern Oregon, worked on Alice In Wonderland as ‘directing animator’, a position he would also hold on Peter Pan, Sleeping Beauty and 101 Dalmations.
Walt Disney found his Alice after seeing the 10-year-old Beaumont in the Esther Williams splash-a-thon On an Island With You (1948). Replacing Margaret O’Brien, the Londoner contributed her voice and modeled for the animation team.
After Alice flopped, Beaumont went on to work as an elementary school teacher in Southern California. Marc Davis, the only one of Disney’s Nine Old Men who happened to graduate from Klamath Union High School in Southern Oregon, worked on Alice In Wonderland as ‘directing animator’, a position he would also hold on Peter Pan, Sleeping Beauty and 101 Dalmations.